Teespring Cash Generator – Great Money Maker

I’ll also show you some quick ways to design a shirt, where to outsource if you want to do that, and also how tomake it on your own if you’d like to. I’ll give you a couple tips on choosing a niche and the best ways to promote any Teespring campaign.

Mindset About Teespring

Understand that Teespring is not an instant success scheme. You can make some good cash with this type of business, but it is not going to be an instant thing.

You want to think of this as a long term business that also benefits you in the short term as well.

Some focus so much on a single campaign, but they seem to forget that there are shirts that just won’t sell. They

won’t all be winners. Ask any big warrior member who has made a killing from Teespring, and they will say that they
have worked hard on campaigns that never got a single sale.

This happens, and it’s normal.

Selling Multiple Shirts At Once

This is why you need to have a goal of creating multiple shirts selling at one time.

You can’t just create a single shirt, promote it a bit, and then wait for it to get a sale and waiting on it and staring at
the page waiting to see a sale.

You need to diversify your time. In other words, when you’re done making a shirt and promoting it, it’s time to start
working on your next campaign.

How I work on this system

If I have time, I’ll try to have at least 2 shirts made and promoted in a single day, and then the following day, I’ll spend a bit of time promoting those two shirts just a bit more, and then make one new shirt that day and promote it. And on the third day, I would start at the beginning by having two shirts made, promote it, and so on…..

Make a written plan of how many you would want to have done by the end of the week, and make sure you are
building towards that goal everyday.

Aside from that, you must have a certain plan of action on marketing these shirts, and I’ll help give you that.

When you have about 10 shirts selling, that’s when you could take some kind of a break and just watch your
campaigns grow. Again, when you make a list of all your campaigns, you should all check back on them to see if they
are tipping sales and they are making you money.

All you need is 10 shirts to sell for you to get the shirts printed. 10 shirts. That’s it. That should be your goal.

Of course, you want to have a bigger setup of more than just 10 shirts, but all you need is 10 to have them print it.

Again, having multiple shirts on sale at once, you can literally be earning hundreds or even thousandsthroughout
every single week just waiting for those paypal payments.

Designing A Shirt

When deciding on any Teespring shirt, you need to make sure you are in the right niche.

Some of the best niches are those where people are obsessed in. You want to make shirts that are within a niche are
those that have people dedicated and passionate over.

I found that the Teespring niches you want to focus on are:

Weight loss & muscle building

These are just a few niches to go into. The reason why I recommend these niches is that they are extremely broad. It’s
hard to find competition even if we all start promoting shirts in these niches because there are so many great sub-
niches to go after.

For example, there are so many types of dogs you could make shirts on, ranging from poodles to bulldogs.

Then there are the cars niche. With the countless number of mustangs, jaguars, Lamborghini’s, and tons of other cars, there are many sub-I niches in this niche.


Pain text shirts are the way to go IF YOU AREN’T A DESIGNER.

Sometimes, when you’re short on cash and can’t outsource and you’re not that great at designing, it’s nice to go over
quotes in the niches above. Finding inspiration for these is tough, but ready quotes in those niches should help get
you some inspiration.

Movie Quotes

Another niche I love going after is the movie quote niche because people love reading about movie quotes on their

However, you usually cannot just take a quote from a movie and write down the movie quote on your shirt. You need
to make sure that you basically twist the quote around to avoid copyright issues.

For example, let’s take the movie Star Wars. This is just off the top of my head.

The quote “I am your father” is a quote almost everybody knows about, but you need to make sure that you are really
changing it so that you don’t deal with copyright problems.

So instead of “I am your father”, you would use , “Am I Your Father?” Or anything you find that those who love Stars
Wars will GET.

Of course, this is all just off the top of my head.

I have sold shirts revolved around big movies like Terminator, James Bond, Scary Movie, Parody films, and basically
any movie. You can search for the “most quoted films in movie history”, and you should be able to find all kinds of
ideas for doing this.

Find a movie that is extremely popular right now and is something you are also interested in.

Again, movie quotes are great and can make some serious cash if you create a quality design.


I just wanted to touch up on sports really quick, because this kind of niche is big.

Have you ever seen how so many fans are obsessive with athletes?

Don’t forget when a huge event happens like the Olympics or the Super Bowl. Any big event that happens in a sport, it has potential to make some serious money.

I really am a huge advocate of going after the sports niche primarily because most athletes have the ability to develop
a huge following and consistently keep it for years and years.

Tips on Pricing Your Teespring Shirts

Before I start giving my techniques and secret marketing methods, I just want to touch base with the teespring shirts
and how much to price them.

I always like to choose the cheapest looking shirts, only because they could cost around $7-$9, and then whatever
price you add to that is the markup aka your earnings.

Sometimes, I like to add an extra $7 or $9 markup for every single design I make just so that every shirt I sell makes
me that much.

Of course, it’s great to go for the nicer shirts with a greater quality. You can add a higher markup and make more
money simply since the product looks better than the cheaper looking shirts.

Choosing The Kind Of Shirts

I highly recommend signing up to Teespring right now and going through the way campaigns work just to allow for
you to see whatever I’m talking about I regards to the pricing and other stuff. You may even want to make a test shirt
just so that you could get through it and understand how the site works and what you have to do to complete the
process of the campaign.

Now….let’s continue.

To create a top quality shirt, you want to decide what kind of shirt to make. I highly recommend to think about the
niche you’re going after. If you were trying to sell a shirt towards men who love baseball, then they would like it in a
hoodie, a regular shirt, and also maybe have it in a tank.

For the women, you would get mainly a tank top and a fitted shirt specifically for their bodies. And you could also go
with different kinds of fabrics. The higher level quality of the shirt, the more expensive it becomes.

Outsourcing Or Designing A Shirt

This is definitely something worth discussing. A huge thread on the Warrior Forum can still be tons of pages and still
not be long enough to discuss this.

I highly recommend to make the first few shirts you make yourself.

I know this sounds silly, but there are countless people who sell amazing shirt designs on Fiverr.

I recommend making your first shirt a quote and also has an easy design. There are also free design graphics that you
could add to your shirt on your own without any technical work. One of my first successful shirts was a simple
looking shirt with a short 5 letter quote on it.

When you’re ready, you could just outsource it on Fiverr. For $5, it’s quite a steal.

So let’s begin on how to start marketing these shirts.

Note: please take these ideas into SERIOUS consideration. Put them into action. You could also try to really utilize
this system and change it in any way that you would like to. You could still use these techniques as a foundation or
basis of your marketing, and then change it or edit it to fit into your specific goals.

Technique #1

Facebook Fan Pages Technique

This simple little technique is a nice one for getting yourself up there. What makes this unique is how quick you can
use this to get started without having to worry about almost anything in regards to traffic.

When you have decided that you are going to take some serious action on this, go and find facebook fan pages in the
niches you want to target. You can literally go to Google and just type in, “Facebook + niche”. You could also just go
straight to Facebook, and type in the name of the niche.

Let’s say you wanted to make a shirt on the sports niche. A certain athlete like Michael Jordan for example, (again, off the top of my head) and I will just do a Google search by typ in, “Michael Jordan”.

This simple search will yield tons of results on your niche. Try to find a group where they have a minimum of 5,000

There are usually three different kinds of fan pages on Facebook right now. 1) High end fan pages 2) Second level fan
pages 3) And start fan pages (this is who you should target)

These pages usually have 5,000-30,000 fans/likes.

It is required that you go after these companies since most of them aren’t even optimizing their pages, and you could
just use their fans.

Wouldn’t They Be Able To Learn How To Sell Shirts Themselves?

Obviously, this is ultimately true. Luckily enough, you don’t have to care about this in the future. In fact, all you have
to do is just have them work with you once, take some sales out of their facebook fan page one time, and you could
move on to the next client. Of course, not all plan on a king this a business, and so some of them still work for me.

When you create a shirt and you decide to use this marketing trick, make sure that you are properly marketing it
through just a single type of facebook fan page.

The reason behind this is the fact that you will be sharing profits with the Facebook fan page owner.

You are going to split the profits with the FB fan page site.

Send them this email template to get started:

“Hey, I just made a brand new shirt in the (name of niche) niche, and I thought that promoting it on your page would
be brilliant.

I’m selling the shirts through Teespring, and if you want, if you could promote it on your page, we could split all the
profits earned 50/50. What do you say?



Now, if they are interested, you give them the lowdown. Here are some things you need to let them know about:

– Date of it ending

Let them know about how long it will be. Show them screenshots of the teespring campaign and the URL and the
shirt design. It helps a lot of you make a written contract if you would like to. Some of them like talking on the
phone, but to help break down the barrier involved, I like to add them personally on my Facebook account or any
other social media account I have just to help show who I am and build some trust.

– PayPal Payments

Let them know that you will update them everyday, and that your campaigns are only going to last for just a few days.

Let them know that there is no guarantee of the chance of what

– How You’ll Split The Cash Involved

Again, you only earn a certain amount from every shirt since there is an additional fee involved which is the
markup, and this markup is what you only earn. So keep this in mind and let the page owner know about the fees

– My Personal Recommendation: After you have made a profit, you start just offering an upfront payment of $20-
$50 to put your shirt on their page instead of splitting the profits, especially if you have the cash. However, I have
only paid upfront a few times. I still make it an effort to work with them 50/50. It’s really your own personal opinion
and options, especially since you don’t want to pay upfront.

This simple little business model has made me a nice tidy profit. I like to use this profit to get myself more cash to
reinvest into other campaigns and outsource for much more unique shirts.

– If you actually end up having two people reply to show you interest and you gave the first client the “shirt” for
promotion, just let the other fan page owner know that you’ve already given the chance to somebody else. (OR…..you
could create a new shirt for that specific fan page. This is the route to go to, and since you already have a fan page
from that guy, all you have to do now is create the design of the shirt.)

Technique #2 Instagram

If you’ve read some of my previous guides, I will say that I have spoken about this technique before since it is revolved all around different aspects, and it can help get you traffic and more cash whether it is for CPA, teespring, or for any other affiliate marketing method.

Of course, it’s a bit tough to do CPA with Insta since you can’t use aff links. Lucky for us, when you use teespring
and get a URL from the site, you DONT ever get an aff link. You get a legit page, and it’s awesome for sure.

How to do this technique? (This will be short and quick, but it works)

After you have created your shirt, your next goal is to start promoting it online. You can do this by simply creating a
new account on IG.

Make sure the account name is related to your shirt of course.

Create the account, put the image of your shirt as your profile picture, and then begin to add in your URL of the
shirt’s campaign in your profile info. You can upload other versions of the shirt if this applies to you, and then tell
people to look for the version that fits them by having them click on your “link in your bio”.

Now, how do you get traffic, you may ask?

You get the traffic easily by “Liking” people’s posts. For example, if your shirt was all about the movie terminator, I’ll
go to the hashtag, “Terminator”, “Arnold Schwarzenegger”, or I’ll even type in any quotes as hashtags.

Just like as many pictures or videos as you can that is a photo related to the movie, or your niche in general.

If you could spend a full hour just “liking” photos, you’ll be shocked at how many people actually click on your page.

Depending on your design and your traffic quality, I have found that some of my shirts easily get 2-5 sales out of 50+

Visitors. This isn’t GREAT conversions, but it’s great even if I have a super bad or a basic looking
design. This is all via IG traffic.

Using IG Without a Phone

There are away websites that let you access Instagram, upload pics online, and also “like” pictures on your PC
without having a smartphone or tablet.

Just a quick Google search can help you discover the best site for you.

Copy-writing For Your TeeSpring Shirts

There is a certain way to craft your teespring descriptions. Some people don’t understand this concept because they
lack understanding on what drives people to buying a certain product.

Just like it requires work to be able to convince people to buy an eBook or a product, the description of your shirt
should be convincing and interesting.

I always use bold headlines and capitalized letters for emphasis.

Of course, I didn’t want to turn this into a copywriting course, but it does matter how you write it in your

The best way to understand how to do your shirt’s copy is to simply read the descriptions of successful campaigns. Of
course, you need to have a beautiful design and an interesting shirt in order to make sales, but you do need to
remember that your description does make a difference.

I would have to make another long guide to go into teespring’s description copy-writing tricks, but there is a way to
understand what to do. Find different campaigns, locate their URLlinks,and then find inspiration from those

It is highly recommended to consider reading through other campaigns. You could just go to the main site of
Teespring, and you’ll find that there are tons of different old campaigns that sold well that have great copy.

Finally, hope this guide will help you get started your teesping business and good luck to you all.



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