How To Make Money With Craigslist And Info Products

A big majority of IMers are information marketers in one way or other (Either they create or sell their own products or promote someone else’ products). A big reason for this can be the fact that info products generally don’t require any money to create, they may carry unlimited perceived and you can make a lot of money selling them.

Craigslist offers perfect targeting to the information marketers.It is so easy to target a specific prospect based on the category and city they are posting in. It’s like “already sold” traffic, you just have to present your offer to these prospects in an attractive manner.

So what information niches have big selling potential on Craigslist?

1) Make Money Products:

A lot of people still browse through Craigslist to search for online money making opportunities. They can be targeted prospects for you if you are selling some product in the IM niche.

One thing I have noticed on Craigslist that while low and medium priced products convert like any other targeted online traffic medium, there is little scope for high ticket products. I have extensively experimented with this thing in the last few months and it seems like Craigslist traffic prefers to stay away from high priced products(May be due to a lot of spam problem created on Craigslist by info marketers).

2) eBay Guides:

Craigslist traffic seems to have got a lot of affection for eBay related material. May be this is because a lot of Craigslist users come from middle and lower income groups and they perceive eBay as the easiest place to make money online. Selling eBay related guides and programs is a sure way to be successful at Craigslist.In fact ,I have seen the highest amount of success on Craigslist with an affiliate eBay guide.

3) Weight Loss Products:

People are suffering from the problem of being overweight everywhere in the world and Craigslist browsers are no exception. These low priced weight loss manuals can be big seller on Craigslist if presented properly.

4) Dating Manuals and Membership Sites:

Millions of people worldwide visit Craigslist to seek suitable partner. There is no dearth of information seekers on this subject either. So both dating e-books and membership sites can make you tons of money with this traffic.

5)  “Get Paid For Taking Surveys” Products:

These sites are still huge hit with Craigslist traffic.Actually I have found these products the easiest to sell along with eBay courses.

Millions of people visit Craigslist to explore some “part time” money making opportunity or “Work from home” job and the survey jobs opportunities seem perfect to these people.

There are a lot of such survey sites on the Clickbank which you can promote via Craigslist.

6) Services and Software:

Craigslist is regularly visited by a lot of marketers too whom you can promote your services and software (you can become an affiliate of such services if you don’t have your own).

You can promote a wide variety of such services via Craigslist.Website design, copy-writing,logo design, e-covers and banners design, article writing and submission, SEO work, backlinking services, video creation and submission, blog posting, e-book writing, virtual assistants(VA) and so on……

You don’t need to be doing all this work yourself. That is not how big money is made online. Just find suitable workers on some Filipino job site, act as a middleman and start getting the lion’s share.

The same is true about software. Majority of marketers using Craigslist try multiple blackhat methods at one time or other. To implement these methods, they need a lot of software and you can cash in big time recommending appropriate software to them.

These software can be:

Autoposters, e-mail harvesters and senders, auto content generators, article spinners, article to video converters, article submitters, auto blogging software, e-cover creators,banner designers, Facebook friend adders,Twitter adders, keyword spying tools and so on…. Just use your imagination and contact the appropriate people with matching products.



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